Monday, 29 June 2009


Chapter three: resigned to a speedy resignation

Of the three days, this was by far the best...
9am-11am: Having decided upon the course of action most beneficial to my mental state, I entered the office of doom, emailed my editor the classic ‘we need to talk’ message and endured a brief wait, before going for a painful (but thankfully, fairly brief) conversation with him, in which I told him I wanted to leave.
11am-11.05am: I was instructed to speak to the editor in chief about my resignation. He came hunting for me - a big hulking man, who probably eats babies for breakfast. He barked me into his office and then made me participate in an even more painful conversation with him.
11.06-11.07am: He told me to get my stuff and leave.
11.07-11.09am: I got my stuff and left.
11.09- ongoing: Overcome by a feeling of euphoria, freedom and rebelliousness. Employment schemployment.
The only downside to the day's dealings? The realisation that I had left a well-stocked lunchbox in the office of doom's fridge. Proof you can't have your cake and eat it too.

The moral of the story? Just because it's pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to get a job in these cash-strapped, gloom and doom times, that doesn't mean you should settle for a job you hate. Don't give up on finding something better. I left a job after less than three days, found another in less than a month and love what I'm doing now. Also, don't take a job you don't think you'll like. If you know you're not interested before you accept an offer, it's highly unlikely you'll discover an interest in it once you've signed on the dotted line. I knew I'd hate the job discussed above but took it because I was sick of being broke, sick of living at home, sick of borrowing money from long-suffering parents. If you've battled on this far, you can battle on a bit longer. Wait for something you actually want to do and keep yourself busy with other stuff in the meantime, anything, as long as you keep writing and don't take on a job that sucks up your soul, chews it up a bit, shreds it into little pieces and then spits it in to the gutter. Not to be over dramatic or anything.


This will be an apaulling mess said...

I came across your hilarious blog as I am quitting a job tonight that I started yesterday. Your blog made me feel better, and made me laugh, because I now know that I am not the only person to leave a job after 2 days- well 16 hours and 3 minutes to be precise. And yep, I'm taking the coward's way out by emailing my boss who is in the UK where it is 4:00AM. With any luck he'll be pissed and not call to fuss at me. Of course I knew this was going to happen today, but I still misleadingly left at the end of the day by telling everyone "see you tomorrow!" Ugh! Just one more reason why I'm a bit less likely to get into heaven.

Dr. Krystal said...

I know this is old but I have came across your funny blog too. I settled at a job for those reasons you have provided. I got sick of being broke, sick of staying home, borrowing money from my nagging parents, and I was desperate. I am going to a career I love now.

Unknown said...

I came across this amazingly funny blog! It was brilliant, so I am in a delemma,I got hired last week by a call center and accepted an offer of employment all while I knew that there was this other company a much larger and much more well established fortune 500 company that has been around over 100 years providing emergency roadside assistance to automobile owners, that i still was going through their long drawn out hiring process, you see i accepted both offers, one took long with the background ccheck which came out clear but took a whole week and two days to comeback so i with AAA i had to do a hair sample drug analysis and another long background check, so my plan is to start at the other company for the next 3 days or so and until AAA gets everything back(drug test & background chk)cause of course the offer of employment was contingent upon passing and completion of the before mentioned requirements. So talk about stressful, I have never been in this position to have two great companies wanting and hiring me,so you can imagine that I am just coo coo right now. i want everything to just go smoothly and make an easy transition but bcuz I take pain pills that are prescribed i think that the hair test is gonna comeback positive for oxycodone and this only delay the process, at least its all legal but its the daily process thats lengthly, I will feel better once they tell me I am clear and can start next wednesday so that I can plan my departure from this company and if they dont take me for whatever reason, at least I have a job with the 1st company, so its win win either way but i truly want AAA motor club so my heart is in my throat.....ugh the drama of it all....thank you guys!!!!